Preparing for Remote Instruction and Meetings


Following the guidance of the KU president, CBA faculty should be prepared for the possibility of emergency remote instruction when classes resume in August.

Requirements to be Ready

Please complete the preparation steps depected in the diagram by clicking on the step to learn how to do it.

The Three Stage

1- Enabling: Goal is to ensure students and faculty **have working tools** for emergency distance learning

The Steps

  1. Activate KU e-mail for faculty
  2. Install MS Teams
  3. Faculty should inform their students to activate their KU e-mails
  4. Faculty should inform their students to install MS Teams
  5. Faculty should inform students to check-in to tracking system after completing steps
  6. Faculty can use tracking system to check all their students are ready for next stage
2- Testing: Goal is to ensure faculty and students have minimum required knowledge to engage in emergancy distance learning

The Steps

  1. Test setting up a meeting with colleagues
  2. Create teams for classes
  3. Adding students to the created teams
  4. Test sharing content and files with students
  5. Test an online lecture with students
3- Improving: Improve the emergency distance learning experience

Regularly check the tipcs and tricks for using MS Teams to improve your online class

What About Finals

We are waiting on guidance from KU administration and will share it as soon as it is available

When Faced With Problems

Student Technical Problems More information will be provided soon
Faculty and TA Problems

please visit the FAQs page which should have an answer to most questions

What if I couldn't find a solution?

You can contact the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) coordinators from your academic department

Preparation Steps

Please follow the steps depicted in the diagram and lick on each rectangle to learn how to perform the step.

graph TD
    subgraph Enabling Faculty
    a[Activate KU e-mail]
    b[Install MS Teams]
    a --> b
    subgraph Enabling Students
    c[Activate KU e-mail]
    d[Install Teams]
    l[Student Check-in<br />Using Tacking System]
    c --> d
    d --> l
    subgraph Testing With Colleagues
    h[Test Online Meeting]
    b --> h
    subgraph Testing With Students
    m[Track Student Progress<br />Using Tacking System]
    i[Create Teams for Classes]
    j[Add Students to Class Teams]
    k[Test Sharing Content]
    f[Test Online Lecture]
    m --> i
    i --> j
    j --> k
    k --> f
    l --> m
    h --> m
    g[Add/Improve Content]
    f -- Section is ready for emergency distance learning --> g
    a -- Notify Students --> c
    click a "" "Activate KU e-mail for Faculty"
    click b "" "Install MS Teams"
    click c "" "Activate KU e-mail for students"
    click d "" "Install MS Teams"
    click g "" "Add/Improve content"
    click h "" "Test Online Meetings"
    click i "‬" "Setup/Create a Team for Class"
    click j "" "Add Students to Class"
    click k "‪‬" "Test sharing content with class"
    click f "" "Test online lecture"
    click l "" "Student Check-in"
    click m "" "Faculty Check-in"
    style a fill:#ECECFF
    style b fill:#ECECFF
    style c fill:#ECECFF
    style d fill:#ECECFF
    style f fill:#ECECFF
    style l fill:#ECECFF
    style m fill:#ECECFF
    style g fill:#FFE18E
    style h fill:#FFD9F0
    style i fill:#FFD9F0
    style j fill:#FFD9F0
    style k fill:#FFD9F0
    style f fill:#FFD9F0
graph TD
    style Improving fill:#FFE18E
    style Testing fill:#FFD9F0
    style Enabling fill:#ECECFF