ٍStudent Guidance for Emergency Distance Learning


Requirements to be Ready

Please complete the following steps before classes resume in August:

  1. Activate Student KU e-mail
  2. Install MS Teams
  3. CheckIn to the Tracking Systems after completing the previous steps to inform your instructors that you are ready.
  4. Arrange with your instructor for a trail online lecture

How Can I Contact my Professor?

  1. CheckIn as soon as possible to inform your professor that you are ready.
  2. Check your email daily as you will be contacted by your professor through KU Email.

What About Finals

We are waiting on guidance from KU administration and will share it as soon as it is available

When Faced With Problems

More information will be provided soon, in the mean time, contact your instructor.

Preparation Steps

Please follow the steps depicted in the diagram and lick on each rectangle to learn how to perform the step.

graph TD

    c[Activate KU e-mail]
    d[Install Teams]
    f[Join a Trail Lecture]
    n[Student is Ready]
    c --> d
    d --> l
    l --> f
    f --> n

    click c "http://kuweb.ku.edu.kw/ku/Staff/ElectronicServices/KUOffice365/Office365FAQ/Students/index.htm" "Activate KU e-mail for students"
    click d "https://www.microsoft.com/en-ww/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/download-app" "Install MS Teams"
    click f "https://youtu.be/2c6vT-pCWJE" "Trail an online lecture"
    click l "http://is.cba.edu.kw/checkin/student.aspx" "Student CheckIn"

    style n fill:#FFE18E